South Carolina

North Dakota

New Jersey


As part of the new state flood planning process, the Texas Water Development Board designated 15 regional flood planning groups, based on major river basins. Each group completed a regional flood plan, which the TWDB will review and incorporate into the statewide flood plan. Highlights By law, each regional flood planning group has diverse representation […]

Minnesota’s watershed districts are a powerful example of watershed-level governance. Organized voluntarily through local petitions, these districts engage in many activities, including flood planning, public education, and project funding. Today, 46 watershed districts cover roughly 30% of the state. Highlights Because they can levy taxes and issue bonds, these districts can swiftly carry out regional […]

The Louisiana Watershed Initiative — a statewide, watershed-scale program focused on reducing flood risk in Louisiana — established nine provisional watershed regions across the state. These regions, funded through a $1.2 billion grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, aim to help communities better understand their flood risk and identify cost-effective, impactful […]

Rhode Island



Washington’s Enhanced State Hazard Mitigation Plan brings together disparate plans, responsible parties, and flood programs — like the state’s Flood Control Assistance Account Program and the Floodplains by Design program — into a comprehensive plan. Together, these programs fund flood planning and local implementation. Highlights In 2021, after a 13-year gap, the state revived the […]